like you the last few weeks have felt heavy. although i can't claim lack of sleep, my mind feels disjointed anyway. from the business of our daily lives, to making quick trips here and there, to minor health concerns, and more than the normal workload at school, i've felt overwhelmed and have headed to bed early several times just to avoid the feeling.
last saturday we gathered around the table for a family meeting and decided together to give up technology on sundays from sunrise to sunset - for the month of february. miraculously, and with some groaning, everyone was on board.
these past two sundays have been such a gift. my kids have made eye contact with me and with each other, we've had conversations in the car and around the table, they've played games, made up silly songs, and spent time either outside or organizing their workspaces. they've created, helped in the kitchen, and spent time being bored. turns out, we all need this kind of time without distraction. i only wish i had tried this sooner.