Tuesday, April 12, 2016

hello there, friend,

when we moved from the college town where we had lived for 13 years, we moved away from our closest friends. after working part-time for a bit, i stayed home with my three kids under three. i was desperate for friendship, for someone to talk to during the long hours that made up the series of chaotic days.

through a series of strange events, i met a group of moms who were all staying home with their young children. we started meeting once a week for coffee and sometimes brunch or lunch. out of this group came one of my closest friends. i don't know that we would have discovered each other, if not for the somewhat lonely season we were in.

she is the most practical, down to earth woman i know, who is also funny, genuine and kind. when we get together for coffee, i come away feeling better about every single thing in my life. as an introvert, i sometimes forget how much i need people and intimate connection, in whose company i can be honest and vulnerable. i'm so grateful for her friendship.
