Tuesday, March 29, 2016

hello there, friend,

for the last seven years running (or more... i can't remember...) we've spent the week before easter in florida camping. although this has been one of the best traditions we've created as a family, it's also been trying, at times. even though i am a fairly flexible person, the unpredictability of the weather and tent camping for eight or nine nights is a bit much. when it was good, it was great and when it was below freezing or raining it wasn't!

having easter here at home this year, with three days off school was a new experience. we were all a bit sad not to be camping at our beloved campground with the possibility of warm sunshine, but sleeping in our own beds without sand and making new memories turned out to be rather lovely. each day (under duress) we forced the kids outside. we hiked or biked even if it took hours to get going. i was always glad we did. nature is the best medicine.

sometimes during a holiday (or birthday) i realize there is an expectation for things to be perfect, a perfect meal, perfect children and manners, for more meaning that can be packed into one day. easter left me feeling grateful for connection, four part harmony, and god's grace. we did not dress in our easter best or have a homemade easter dinner. instead, we packed a picnic lunch and ate at one of our favorite wilderness areas. the weather was grey, cloudy, and windy but we had so much fun together. it wasn't perfect, but it was.
