Thursday, February 2, 2017

hello there, friend,

we had some snow at the beginning of the week and a day off school. (in southwestern virginia it doesn't take much!) i spent the morning reading a book about a family who disconnected from all media/technology for six months. the author was a writer, and mom to three teenagers, who had become disconnected to each other as their media usage increased. each chapter is an account of a month in their life along with facts about media usage for teens and adults alike.

lately, i see my kids reaching for a screen - or pulling their chair up to one - when they are bored. when they were younger, this wasn't an option and there was no end to the kind of creativity it fostered. while i know they are teens now and imaginary play is a thing of the past, i want them to experience the kind of boredom that requires creativity on their part. the kind of boredom that propels them to interact with each other, play a game, call a friend, create music or art or food, or read a book.

later, i walked through the woods to one of my favorite places - one our family has gone to for years and years and realized i hadn't been for months. alone, i was able to do the kind of hike i often long to do. i brought my camera, but after a few clicks, enjoyed the sensation of sunshine, the cool air, and the feeling of moving my body. i thought about the power of being outside - the way my mind worked over problems that needed solving, the way i forgot about them as i climbed up a steep hill... i came home feeling grounded. which i hadn't realized how much i needed.
