Monday, January 9, 2017

hello there, friend,

this morning, i was reflecting on the past two weeks - sifting through the memories of the holidays, and the space in between - and was reminded of something i used to do years ago, when working through a 365 project. often at the day's end i would write a gratitude list to post with my image, but there were times when i would begin with 'what i want to remember about today...". i found this to be such a good way of holding on to memories and images in my mind i knew i would forget about one day without writing them down.

when i think about the last two weeks, i have to sift through the disappointments and the joys in order to make that list. but what i want to remember are the good things. the way we laughed together while watching christmas movies, listening to my son work out melodies and rhythms on his guitar, listening to and singing christmas carols in the car, watching them open their stockings - the delight on their faces, their gratitude for small tokens of love, watching cousins play with each other immediately and beg to spend the next week together, the warmth of the florida sunshine, the live oaks covered in spanish moss, what it looks like underwater in the crystal clear rainbow river, a gentle breeze on our faces as we made our way downstream, watching the oars tip into the water, watching them learn how to navigate paddle boards and kayaks on their own, glimpses of manatees and encounters with them that took our breath away, hearing barred owls call across the water, watching river otters slip through the water, and the way it felt to come home.
